Joseph is an autistic photographer, battling depression at some degree for ages, and what actually now feels like all his life.
In this series of photographs he explores misery, hell, nightmares, self harms ideations, dispair, loneliness and the sadness of his journey into depression and suicidal thougts. You can think of it as a way to exorcise the darkest ideations that come with these mental health issues, maybe as a twisted way to express himself when he is not capable of doing so with words.
Maybe it is his way of documenting, sharing what he feels, what he experiences, but who would want to share that? What it is to him doesn't really matter in the end, because that is you, who are looking at those photos, who will decide what they mean to you. 
This is definitely not the best selling plot ever for a photography portfolio. But it is honest: like all the photos in this portfolio, brutally honest and blunt. You get the naked truth, the physical and the mental scars.

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Colors of a ghost town
It is hard for me to imagine people are actually living here. All I see is a desolated dirty hell hole. I don't see people, I don't see traffic, I don't even see a fucking stray cat or a bird. There is silence, there is no life, there are rotten derelict things.It is a ghost town.
An aimless walk a Sunday morning
Goethe said "The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone". I walked alone, in the hope of finding, if not beauty, something that would catch my eye. Updated from "An aimless walk a sunday morning in a dead city,"
Morning walk in a quiet world of trees
In a world on the verge of collapse, I took the Nikon D2Xs, the Tokina 10-24 and a graduated filter for a walk.
Lost in a cursed forest
My old forest is not only golden. It is also cursed. New emotions and feelings just a couple feet away from the golden spots. Same place, different visions.
An eerie walk, sand in the sky
Sometimes, the winds carry sand from the Sahara far away.
Monsters in the woods
The world is full of invisible monsters. These are the monsters I see when I walk in the woods.
A lonely walk in a dead town
Confinement or no confinement? A dead city is a dead city. Walking here is like walking in a graveyard, tough without the feeling of being in a sacred place.
One tree Six photos
Simple and straightforward.
A walk among the tombstones in color
An abandonned old cemetery in the moutain. Autumn colors.
A walk among the tombstones in black and white
An abandonned old cemetery in the moutain. These are the black and white images.
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